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Angles Properties:

Provincial Properties IS :808 - 1989
Permissiveness Equitable :1852 - 1985
Grades IS :2062 :E250 A - 2006

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clack to view.

Equal Angles Weight per Kg

Size Remote in Kgs. Gauge
in mm Per Limit Per Mtr.
20x20x3 0.274 0.899
25x25x3 0.335 1.099
25x25x5 0.548 1.798
31x31x3 0.390 1.280
35x35x5 0.792 2.599
37x37x3 0.518 1.700
40x40x3 0.548 1.798
40x40x5 0.915 3.002
40x40x6 1.066 3.498
50x50x5 1.158 3.799
50x50x6 1.372 4.502
60x60x6 1.645 5.397
65x65x6 1.767 5.798
65x65x8 2.346 7.697
65x65x10 2.864 9.397
75x75x6 2.072 6.798
75x75x8 2.712 8.898
75x75x10 3.352 10.998
80x80x6 2.224 7.297
80x80x8 2.925 9.597
90x90x6 2.499 8.199
90x90x8 3.292 10.801
90x90x10 4.084 13.400
100x100x6 2.804 9.200
100x100x8 3.687 12.097
100x100x10 4.545 14.912
100x100x12 5.395 17.701
110x110x12 5.028 16.497
130x130x10 6.004 19.699
150x150x10 6.950 22.803
150x150x12 8.290 27.199
150x150x16 10.911 35.799
150x150x20 13.441 44.100

Unequal Angles Poor per Kg

Largest part Weight Tasteless Kg
in mm Meagre per meter
30x20x3 1.1
30x20x4 1.4
30x20x5 1.8
40x25x3 1.5
40x25x4 1.9
40x25x5 2.4
40x25x6 2.8
45x30x3 1.7
45x30x4 2.2
45x30x5 2.8
45x30x6 3.3
50x30x3 1.8
50x30x4 2.4
50x30x5 3
50x30x6 3.5
60x40x5 3.7
60x40x6 4.4
60x40x8 5.8
65x45x5 4.1
65x45x6 4.9
65x45x8 6.4
70x45x5 4.3
70x45x6 5.2
70x45x6 6.7
70x45x6 8.3
75x50x5 4.7
75x50x6 5.6
75x50x6 7.4
75x50x10 9
80x50x5 4.9
80x50x6 5.9
80x50x8 7.7
80x50x10 9.4
90x60x6 6.8
90x60x8 8.9
90x60x10 11
90x60x12 13
100x65x6 7.5
100x65x8 9.9
100x65x10 12.2
100x75x6 8
100x75x8 10.5
100x75x10 13
100x75x12 15.4
125x75x6 9.2
125x75x8 12.1
125x75x10 14.9
125x95x6 10.1
125x95x8 13.3
125x95x10 16.5
125x95x12 19.6
150x75x8 13.7
150x75x10 16.9
150x75x12 20.1
150x115x8 16.2
150x115x10 20
150x115x12 23.5
150x115x15 29.5
200x100x10 22.8
200x100x12 27.2
200x100x15 33.6
200x150x10 16.7
200x150x12 31.8
200x150x15 39.4
200x150x18 46.9
200x150x12 31.8
200x150x15 39.4
200x150x18 46.9

Steel Point of view Weight Per Kg of SAIL (Steel Authority of Bharat Limited)

Section Dimensions  Parochial Weight  Filament
mm kg/m m
Angles Bhilai Train Plant
50 x 50 x 5* 3.8 10 go 13 
50 x 50 confirm 6 4.5 for all magnitude
60 after 60 x 5/6/8* 4.5/5.4/7.0
65 check 65 x 5* 4.9
65 chip 65 x 6/8/10 5.8/7.7/9.4
70 voucher 70 x 5/6* 5.3/ 6.3
75 x 75 restrict 5/ 6/ 8/ 10 5.7/6.8/8.9/11.0
80 x 80 check tick off 6/8/10 7.3/9.6/11.8
90 x 90 check a depart 6/8/10 8.2/10.8/13.4
Dimensions  Regional Weight  Thread
mm kg/m m
Angles Durgapur Prime Plant
100 x Cardinal x 10/12 14.9/17.7 10 to 11.5 funds all dimensions
110 x Cardinal x 10/12 16.6/19.7
130 x Cxxx x 10/12 19.7/23.5
150 x Cardinal x 12/16 22.9/27.3
Bhilai Steel Plant
150 jibe 150 x 16/ 20* 35.8/44.1 10 to 13 
200 agree 200 x 16 48.5 take to mean all dimensions
200 x Cardinal x 20 60
200 x Cardinal x 24 70.8


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